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Business Insider is Currently Accepting Pitches/ How to Get Featured

Business Insider seeks pitches for creative non-fiction such as personal essays, as-told-tos, diaries, profiles, how-tos, reported features and more.


Business Insider, now known as Insider,  is an American financial and business news website founded in 2007. The website currently covers business, financial, and technology news. Business Insider pitches for news stories are being called for. They seek reported articles and features specifically related to business news, including careers, entrepreneurship, business schools, tech, media, transportation, or retail.

Business Insider also accepts pitches from writers who want to be contributors. However, there is no pay attached.


What to Know about Business Insider Pitches

  • Writers may be required to sign a contract when a piece is accepted. 
  • Expect editorial revisions to be part of the process. Business Insider may ask for edits, additions, or clarifications to your article, furthermore, they will ask you for tangible proof — including emails, screenshots, or documentation — to verify any facts or claims.
  • If your piece is chosen to be published on Insider, they may ask you for a headshot, a bio, and proof of your credentials.
  • Finally, Business Insider makes all final decisions around headlines. They reserve the right to update or change a headline to help your article reach the widest audience possible.

Submission Guidelines for Business Insider Pitches

  • In deciding what to pitch to Business Insider, go through their website to get a feel of their writing style.
  • Do not pitch stories which have already been written on the website. To learn more about creative non-fiction writing, read here, here, and here.
  • All freelance pitches must be exclusive to Insider. Additionally, no promotional or sponsored posts are accepted. Ensure to disclose any conflicts of interest.
  • Submission of pitches can only be made by contacting the editor Alyse Kalish at akalish@insider.com.


Payment for Pitches

Payment rates vary and are determined by the amount of reporting, the research involved, the article’s length, and the writer’s experience.  They also will be determined in a discussion between you and your editor via email if your pitch is accepted.

Read more on Business Insider pitches policy, if you are interested in pitching.

Emmanuella Omonigho

Emmanuella Omonigho is an award winning storyteller, who has a love hate relationship with coffee. She has published one book and written several...in her head. She is interested in pushing forward stories from Africa, about Africa.

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