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The Bad Day Book Calls For Submissions/ How To Submit (Pay: $40 – $75)
The Bad Day Book is an anti-motivational, motivational book series. It is a humorous de-motivational motivational book.
It is a compilation of stories detailing different people’s funny bad days. The perfect gift to those you know who are having a bad day, or a pick-me up for your own rough times.
Submission Guidelines For The Bad Day Book
- Stories and poems must be submitted through their website, on the Submit Your Story page, to be considered for publishing.
- If you have any technical difficulties while submitting your work please email: mystory@thebaddaybook.com
- Please answer all questions included on their submission form, and do not forget to attach your story file.
- If your story or poem is selected for publication, they’ll work with you for editing and formatting.
- They’ll consider stories, written in English, submitted from anywhere in the world.
- Stories should be about bad things, but that are still funny. stories. This book is to get others to laugh, gasp, and cringe.
- Stories MUST be personal and true events that have already happened.
- They prefer stories under 1200 words but will consider works up to 1500 words. Although, it is rare to have works picked that are over the preferred 1200.
- Stories should be written with first person narration and told in past tense.
- Remember, it is a family friendly publication.
- Focus the story on what happens directly to you and not the people on the other end.
- You may refer to others as friends, coworkers, family member, pen names or a vague descriptor.
- Begin straight in the action; no introductions to the story are necessary. Make sure you conclude your story, but please do not end the story with any recap. It is always best to end with a laugh.
- Stories submitted more than once per theme will be deleted.
- Your poems must also tell a story.
- Not all submitted stories and poems will be published. Though not all submissions will be published in books, some will be accepted for social media publication.
- You will receive separate notifications for each edition you have submissions to.
Author Rights
- You maintain copyright under your name
License will grant The Bad Day Book exclusive rights for 12 months, with permission to use story in later editions as well. (Not exclusively-Written permission from author will be required for other uses). - After the 12 months author may self-publish in any form (book, blog, etc) without making any changes to story or referencing The Bad Day Book.
- If your story or poem is not selected for any of the variations you have requested, you will be notified if we would like to hold the submission for a different book edition or if The Bad Day Book with be passing on your story or poem.
- Author name can be shown as first name only, first and last name, or a pen name if you would prefer to not use your real name.
Submission Deadlines And Themes For New Stories
- Wedding: Submissions for The Bad Day Book- Wedding Edition will close on November 1st, 2023.
- On Vacation: Submissions for The Bad Day Book- On Vacation Edition will close November 15th, 2023.
- At Work: Submission Deadline – December 5th, 2023.
- Sports: Submission Deadline – December 5th, 2023.
- Love (Dating, Marriage, Relationships): Submission Deadline – January 5th, 2024.
How Much Does The Bad Day Book Series Pay Contributors?
Their pay rate ranges from $40 – $75.
If your submission is chosen to be published in more than one publication you will receive separate payment for each publication your work is published in. All books and monetary payments will be provided 30-45 days after book publication.