Flash Frog Magazine Is Accepting Stories And Artwork/ How To Submit (Pay: $25)
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Flash Frog Magazine Is Accepting Stories And Artwork/ How To Submit (Pay: $25)

Flash Frog Magazine welcomes submissions year-round, with specific themes for January and July. As a literary magazine specializing in flash fiction, Flash Frog provides a platform for writers to showcase their short stories. 

Additionally, Flash Frog seeks new artists to contribute original artwork to accompany each published story. If you are having a problem with your writing, please read this article: How to Overcome Writer’s Block (10 Tips + Personal Examples) 

However, this article will detail the submission guidelines for writers and artists interested in submitting their work to Flash Frog.


Submission Guidelines For Writers

  • Flash Frog exclusively publishes flash fiction (visit these pages for poetry or creative nonfiction submissions).
  • Short stories should not exceed 1,000 words.
  • Submissions should be emailed to flashfroglitmag@gmail.com as .doc, .docx, or .rtf attachments.
  • The subject line of the email should follow the format: SUBMISSION — Story Title.
  • While cover letters are acceptable, writers are advised not to explain or set up their stories within the cover letter.
  • A third-person bio (maximum 100 words) should be included in the body of the email.
  • Simultaneous submissions are encouraged, but writers must promptly withdraw their piece if it is accepted elsewhere.
  • Only one submission per writer at a time is allowed.
  • All submissions must be original and previously unpublished.
  • Flash Frog requests the right to display the work for the duration of the journal, while copyright remains with the writer.
  • Response times typically range from within a week to occasionally longer, with inquiries discouraged until 2 months have passed.
  • Payment of $25 per story is issued via PayPal upon publication.
  • Writers are asked to wait 6 months before submitting again after publication in Flash Frog.


Submission Guidelines for Artists


  • Flash Frog seeks new artists to provide original artwork to complement published stories.
  • Interested artists should email flashfroglitmag@gmail.com with a link to their portfolio or include samples in the email.
  • Artists of all mediums are welcome to apply, with availability and interest levels indicated in the email.
  • Flash Frog requests the right to use the artwork for the duration of the journal, while copyright remains with the artist.
  • Payment of $25 per piece of art is issued via PayPal upon publication.


Pay Rates At Flash Frog Magazine

  • Payment of $25 per story is issued via PayPal upon publication.
  • Payment of $25 per piece of art is issued via PayPal upon publication.

Click here to visit their official social media page.



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