The American Scholar Is Accepting Poetry And Essays Amongst Others/ How To Submit (Pay  $250 – $500)
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The American Scholar Is Accepting Poetry And Essays Amongst Others/ How To Submit (Pay $250 – $500)

The American Scholar is a lively, quarterly magazine of essays, fiction, poetry, and articles covering public affairs, literature, science, history, and culture.

It was first published in 1932 for the general reader by the Phi Beta Kappa Society. The American Scholar considers nonfiction by known and unknown writers. The magazine accepts fewer than two percent of all unsolicited manuscript. You may want to read this article on how to properly edit your poems. 

The American Scholar Submission Guidelines 

If you are interested, please go through the following guidelines:

  • Submissions for nonfiction should be no longer than 6,000 words. 
  • Please send in only one submission at a time .
  • Unsolicited fiction, poetry, and book reviews are not accepted.
  • Paper or emailed submissions will no longer be considered.
  •  Submissions will be carefully reviewed, but responses may take several months.
  • Cover letters should provide contact information and state the genre and title of the submission.
  • American Scholar also want submissions to be made through Submittable, their online submissions manager system.
  • Feel free to provide any other information you would like the editors to know about your work.
  • The best way to know what kinds of pieces they are likely to accept is to read the magazine. You can access it through their website.

More About Submittable 

“Submittable” is a software used by thousands of organizations to build customized online submission and application forms, as well as to review submissions and communicate with “submitters.’

Go to to access it. You can also go to your organizations submittable subdomain login page.

Click on the “sign in” with Google button. Please note that if it is your first time signing into submittable with your Google account, you will be prompted to enter your Google username and password.

When you are done, you can submit your work and monitor it, to know when it get accepted.


They pay up to $500 for accepted pieces and up to $250 for pieces taken only for their website which is;

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