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N+1(nplusonemag) Magazine is Currently Accepting Submissions / How to Apply (Payment: $0.04 + Publication)
N+1(nplusonemag) is a print and digital magazine of literature, culture, and politics published three times a year. They also post new online-only work several times each week and publish books expanding on the interests of the magazine.
The magazine, N+1(nplusonemag) has currently opened its submissions window for the year. It encourages writers to send in their unique work.
Eligibility to Submit N+1(nplusonemag) Magazine.
- Anyone can send in their work.
- There is no restriction on nationality or age. Anyone can apply.
- Submission is free.
Submissions Guidelines for N+1(nplusonemag) Magazine.
- N + 1 welcomes submissions from all writers. If you are considering sending work, please start by reading an issue or two.
- The best submission guidelines are those implied by the magazine itself.
- New fiction, essays, criticism, and translation may be sent to submissions@nplusonemag.com.
- They publish a limited number of pieces in the magazine, which comes out three times yearly, and a larger array of work in our online-only section.
- Please note that they currently do not accept poetry, art, illustration, or interview submissions and that they place a strong emphasis on publishing work by and about living authors.
- The magazine does their best to respond to all submissions, but their resources are limited. However, they are not always able to reply.
- Letters to the editors may be sent to editors@nplusonemag.com.
- Please send subscriptions queries to subs@nplusonemag.com.
How Much Does n+1 (nplusone) Magazine Pay Its Contributors? - Tha publishers of n+1 magazine pay 4 cents per word.
Good luck as you send your work to n+1 (nplusone) Magazine.