The International Journalists’ Network/ Call for Journalists (Pay: $200)
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The International Journalists’ Network/ Call for Journalists (Pay: $200)


The International Journalists’ Network (IJNet) provides professional and aspiring journalists with the most recent advice, chances for training, trends, and resources.


Do you know of a journalism tool, app or resource that The International Journalists’ Network has not covered? A media innovator who has a fascinating story to tell? Or do you simply want to discuss a current media trend taking place in your country?

Then you should apply!


Eligibility for The International Journalists’ Network

  • IJNet accepts pitches from readers worldwide
  • There is no age limit indicated.
  • They hope to build a network of global, diverse contributors whose work can help as many journalists as possible.
  • Submit using this site only 


Pitch Guidelines

IJNet has noticed that many pitches are on topics unrelated to the content IJNet pitches. Before filling out the form, please familiarize yourself with IJNet content. They are a resource for journalists, and all our content focuses on the field of journalism.

If they are interested in your idea, they will revert to you as soon as possible.

Tips on pitching from IJNet

  • Every story proposal should be neatly packaged with all the usual safeguards: Check spelling, facts, grammar and tone. Most editors are not interested in cutesy sales pitches or long-winded paragraphs. Best advice: Have someone read the proposal before pushing the submit button.
  • Include a working headline and brief summary or nut graph. This could change as you get deeper into the story, but it provides a quick overview and road map for the pitch.
  • As briefly as possible, explain why an audience would be interested in this story. Outline the main sources and documentary evidence. Use bullets to streamline the information.
  • Provide an outline of photos, graphics or other visuals that will accompany the story. If it is a multi-media package, list and describe the major components.
  • Lay out a reasonable timeline. This should include how many days it will take to research and cover the story, edit photos/videos and check information for accuracy.
  • The final word: Keep it simple, focused and timely.




  • IJnet pays $200 per article


Interested in more pitches? See more creative writing opportunities here.

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