Submit to The Earth Island Journal And Get Paid Up To $1000 Per Article
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Submit to The Earth Island Journal And Get Paid Up To $1000 Per Article

The Earth Island Journal is interested in compelling and distinctive stories that anticipate environmental concerns before they become pressing problems. They want surprising, provocative stories that would entertain readers and that explore new territory overlooked by other publications.
They cover all aspects of environmental issues including, wildlife and lands conservation; innovations in science and technology; public policy and the politics of environmental protection; climate and energy; animal rights; public health; environmental justice and cultural survival; and environmentally related film, music, and books.
Stories or reports from outside North America are also very welcomed. These pieces should be appropriate for a didactic, environmentally conscious readership. Stories about individuals who are successfully and actively working towards restoring the Earth are also acceptable.
Please note that this Journal is on an international level, so stories on local issues would not be accepted unless they have broader (read: national or international) interest or implications.
Do They Pay Writers?
Yes. They pay writers 25 cents/word print stories. You can expect to earn about $750-$1000 for an in-depth feature story (about 4,000 words).
For online reports, the fee ranges from $50 to $100. Online reports are a great way to get into the Journal, especially if you are new to reporting and writing.
How Often Do They Publish?
They publish online five days a week and are constantly seeking for fresh ideas and stories .
Before submitting a story, it is preferred that you send a query, describing why you believe your story is newsworthy, specific angles you will investigate, and whom you will interview. The more details you can provide, the better. Also include two or three of your most relevant published writing samples.
How To Submit
All submissions and queries, for both print and online articles should be sent to submissions at
Please note that Earth Island Journal down not publish poetry or fiction

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