You Can Now Publish Your Stories Without A Publisher!
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You Can Now Publish Your Stories Without A Publisher!

Do you know you can get your work published and in the hands of your readers without a publisher? Yes, that’s right! Many aspects of the publishing process can now be outsourced, or done easily from the comfort of your home, thanks to technology and the internet. There’s a learning curve, but be assured that it’s not rocket science 🙂
If you’re working on a book with an African narrative, or African characters, or history that you want to publish, Tolulope Popoola is I am really interested in hearing from you. We need to get more of our own stories out there, and you don’t need a traditional publisher to do so.

Tolulope Popoola an author, book writing coach and publishing consultant will be teaching new writers who want to try their hands at putting their unconventional stories out there, but feel held back because they don’t think a publisher would be interested in what they’ve written. She just finished updating her self-publishing course  where she teaches new writers how to self-publish their work successfully. In this three-week course, you can learn everything you want to know about how to publish your stories on your own.

Once you are done with this course, you’ll have the knowledge and skills to publish your future books, you can keep control over your work, your royalties and your rights.
To enjoy this offer, join her self-publishing course in September and October right now!

Vist for more details

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