Would You Like To Earn Money From Writing Short-Stories?
8 mins read

Would You Like To Earn Money From Writing Short-Stories?

Would you like to earn money from writing short-stories?

If you’re reading this, then I’m guessing your answer is, YES! You would like to earn money from writing short-stories.

You can win over £2,500 in the Commonwealth Short Story Prize or £10,000 in the Caine Prize for African Writing. If you’re between the ages of 19–25, you can win 50, 000 naira in the Awele Creative Trust Prize. And whether you’re young or old, you can earn money from earn money from writing short-stories and publishing with the Narrative Magazine, The New Yorker, The Common, Granta and so on.

Read: How To Create Characters Readers Care About

I remember how it felt to win $100 at the Cecilia Unaegbu Flash Fiction Contest and when I got my advance from Ankara press or forget the $30, $10 and $5 honoraria I received from MTLS, Fiction365 and Flash Fiction Press, respectively. There have been more awards, but I can’t wait to get to the part where you can learn to earn money from writing short-stories.
Lesson 4

Before you get too excited, you have to invest in learning the art of short story writing. I have good news for you. There is a four-part video lecture that can teach you to WRITE FANTASTIC SHORT STORIES with ease.

You can also get an audio (mp3 or wav). The good news is that each video comes with each of the How To Write Fantastic Short Stories Series for FREE.

You’ll benefit from these books, videos and audios if:
1. You want to write but aren’t sure where to start.
2. You write for fun and dream of seeing your work in print, or turning your hobby into a paying career.
3. You used to write some time ago, but need to brush up your skills so as to get back in the game.
4. You are just beginning a writing career and dealing with fear.
5. You think you write good stories but no one wants to publish them for free, let alone give you money for it.
6. You’re a writer with a finished draft in need of feedback, a critique, or an edit.
7. You’re a writer with too many ideas but aren’t sure which ones are worth pursuing.
8. You just need encouragement and guidance on your writing journey.
9. You are suffering from writers’ block and not sure where to start.
10. You want to know how to write the award-winning stories but aren’t sure how that works.

These video, audio and book series are what you need.

So how do you get them? Place an order via email to creativewritingnews@gmail.com or chiomaowunze@gmail.com.  If you want to buy each of the books, or all of them, you can go to gumroad.com or okadabooks.com.

Here is the price list

Title File Format Price ($) on okadabooks.com Price ($) via gumroad.com
1 Stay Inspired: 51 Unique Creative Writing Prompts Pdf, Doc Epub  


2 How To Generate Ideas For A Short Story Pdf, Doc




3 How To Generate Ideas For A Short Story  Audio N/A 8.00
4 How To Generate Ideas For A Short Story Video N/A 10.00
5 How To Begin A Short Story Pdf, Doc


2.00 3.00
6 How To Begin A Short Story  Audio+pdf N/A 8.00
7 How To Begin A Short Story Video+doc N/A 10.00
8 How To Write The Short and Compressed Middle Pdf, Doc




9 How To Write The Short and Compressed Middle  Audio+doc N/A 8.00
10 How To Write The Short and Compressed Middle Video+pdf N/A 10.00
11 How To Write The Gratifying Ending Pdf, Doc




12 How To Write The Gratifying Ending  Audio+doc N/A 8
13 How To Write The Gratifying Ending Video+pdf N/A 10
14 How To Write Fantastic Short Stories Series (4 in 1) Epub  


15 How To Write Fantastic Short Stories Series (4 in 1) Pdf, Doc


N/A 8.00
16 Edit Your Masterpiece With Ease Pdf, Doc, Epub N/A 14.95

So how do you get them?

Place an order via email to creativewritingnews@gmail.com or chiomaowunze@gmail.com. If you want to buy each of the books, or all of them, you can go to okadabooks.com. You can also pay via https://gum.co/SLFegumroad.com. Contact me for details.

You can get all these materials for free, if you sign up for my coaching servies. A five-week intensive How To Write Fantastic Short Stories series.


It was four weeks of Zenness with the How To Write Fantastic Short Stories Course. I have learned like how to begin a short story, how to compress long sentences, how to keep my audience reading till the end and overall, how to say so much in so few words.

The course is an eye opener and Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam is an excellent tutor. I enjoyed every bit of the class. The Video lectures and How To Write Fantastic Short Stories workbooks were exactly what I needed to write more confidently.

Miriam David

Here’s how another mentoring experience unraveled.

She Phoned In And Screamed

A budding writer rang me up one day and said, “Chioma, I want to apply for the biggest, most competitive workshop in Africa, and I want you to help me. I’ll pay for your services.”

It was a workshop I had been fortunate enough to attend and I knew how competitive it was, and so I said, “Okay, but let’s work towards getting you into the workshop first.”

So she sent me the first story she intended to submit for the competition.

I Went Through It With A Fine-Toothed Comb And Told Her The Truth

I could tell she was a fine writer, but the story lacked fundamental believability. The character’s motives weren’t clear.

I sent her two award-winning short stories by prolific writers and asked her to study the structure. She was to rework hers after reading the recommended stories.

She wrote a new one, which I told her was good, but there was something about the story idea. “It won’t get you in,” I said. She felt discouraged and said she had quit.

“We haven’t come this far to quit,” I said. “Quitting is not an option.”

This Was Three Days To The Deadline.

The next day, she emailed a story she had woken up at midnight to write, and I opened the attachment and read it and absolutely loved it.

I called her and said, “We can work with this”, and I revised and suggested rewrites in different places to make the writing shine.

My advice to her was to show through description or dialogue where there was too much telling.

She effected the edits and tightened the prose as suggested and managed to send in her entry about forty minutes before the deadline.

Two weeks later, she phoned in and screamed excitedly. She had been invited to the workshop. She went on to win many more writing awards.

Here’s What She Said About Her Experience

Before I met Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam, I couldn’t tell what was wrong with my writing. But it sure wasn’t good enough. Chioma helped me through my stories, and her input helped a great deal in getting me into the Farafina Creative Writing Workshop.

Some projects I have helped edit in the past include Search selected by Bailey Prize award winning writer, Chimamanda Adichie, for the Farafina Trust Writing Workshop.

Another project is Social Studies, named Finalist of the Witivism Prize 2015.

And The Dream by Charles Opara which was nominated for The Fiction Desk Newcomers Awards and for which I provided developmental feedback.

Final thoughts on How to Earn Money From Writing Short-Stories

Self-publishing can be a great option if you want to maintain creative control and have the skills and time to handle various aspects of book production and marketing

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