U-right Magazine, Call for Submission.
U-Right Magazine is an online publishing platform in Nigeria. It is a platform that aims at promoting all forms of art, ranging from Poetry, Prose, Essays and digital contents. Of recent, they have announced a call for submission.
The theme is Entropy. The deadline for this submission is June 18, 2020. They seek authentic work of fiction /non-fiction, poetry and digital content entries on this theme. They are open to various and unique interpretations on this theme.
Anyone is eligible for this award, and there is no submission fee requested.
The guideline for the submission are as follows:
•They accept submissions through email. The title of the email should be in this arrangement “Submission: first name of participant, genre”.
•The submissions would be accepted for two versions of the magazine’s issue: the online and the eBook versions. They request that each application should include a brief note indicating whether you want your work published online, in an eBook or both.
•All submissions should be sent as an email attachment in docx./doc. Format. U-right magazine does not accept submissions in PDF or EPUB format.
•Digital contents should be sent in MP3, MP4, WMV and WMA.
•They do not accept previously published works either on online or paperback platforms.
They consider works available on personal blogs as previously published and therefore, renders your submission invalid. However, for any work on social media, they ask that you take it down before the publication —if your work is accepted.
•They accept submissions that have also been submitted for consideration to other platforms, but make sure to inform them if your work is eventually accepted elsewhere.
• Include a short bio with your submission. The bio should be 150 words max. Make sure to include your name in the bio, the same way you would want it written if your work is accepted and published.
This should appear in the last page of your submission document.
Below, are specific guidelines for each category to be submitted:
• Send in 1-2 works as an email attachment in word format (doc., docx).
• The works sent in should be attached separately.
•Stories must not exceed 5000 words.
•Essays must not be more than 3500 words.
•Send in only one essay for submission.
•Essays should be submitted in word documents attached to the email.
•Plagiarized works are not acceptable.
•You can send in 1-5 unpublished poems in a single word document.
• They accept poems of any structure and length.
•You can submit poems written in other languages, however, you must be able to provide an English translation for it.
•If your poem is published in U-Rights Magazine, it is automatically placed on consideration for inclusion in their end of the year print anthology called NOISE. They will contact you if your work is selected.
•Once your work is accepted, you will be asked to submit an audio recording of your poem. Although this is optional, U-Right magazine would like their readers to follow you as you read your poem. Audios will be made available for download on the website.
•Spoken word videos should be submitted in MP4 or WMV formats only.
•Audios should be submitted in MP3, MP4 or MWA formats.
•The length of the video/audio must not exceed 12 minutes.
All submissions should be made to mailto:urightsmag@gmail.com
Works sent in would be read by four editors. Any selection made by these editors is final. Check their website, for the names of suree by editors.
They would respond to all submissions after the deadline, which is June 18, 2020.
All rights return to you, once your work is published. But they ask that you cite U-Rights Magazine as the first publisher of your work in cases of reprint.
PAYMENT: They are not able to pay their contributors at this time, however, they look forward to changing this policy with time. If your work is published in U-Rights, they give it the exposure and promotion it deserves.
All questions concerning these guidelines should be sent to mailto:urightsmag@gmail.com
Good luck!