The Matador Review: Writing Opportunity 2017
1 min read

The Matador Review: Writing Opportunity 2017

Alternative art and literature magazine The Matador Review is now accepting submissions for the Fall 2017 publication. Matador review publishes poetry, fiction, flash fiction, and creative non-fiction, inviting all unpublished literature written in the English language (and translations that are accompanied by the original text) as well as many forms of visual art. The call for submissions will end August 31.

The purpose of this writing opportunity is to promote “alternative work” from both art and literature, and to encourage the new-wave of respect for online publications. In each issue, they offer a selection of work from both emerging and established artists, as well as exclusive interviews and book reviews from creators who are, above all else, provocative. For matador review, alternative is a way of voice and experience. It is the distinction from what is conventional, and it advocates for a progressive attitude.


Are you an alternative writer of poetry, fiction and more? Apply for the Matador review now. Follow the links for more information on submission processes:
Your submissions can be sent to
Have questions and concerns? Send them to

Good luck!

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