Speculative City Magazine Is Accepting Short Fiction/ How To Submit (Pay: $20 – $55)
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Speculative City Magazine Is Accepting Short Fiction/ How To Submit (Pay: $20 – $55)

Speculative City embraces the motivations of speculative fiction and integrates them into a focus of setting, which is the city. Cities instinctively draw individuals aspiring to create communities. 

They also feature literary works that explore themes, characters, and landscapes exclusive to urban environments and that highlight voices often unheard.

Speculative City endeavors to elevate the voices of these communities through literary works that explore the potentials of their lived experience through the frame of science fiction, fantasy, and magical realism.

They call for those curious and laboring to envision altered realities.

How To Submit To Speculative City Magazine

  • All submissions should be sent as an attachment to speculativecitysubmissions @ gmail.com. Please submit word (.doc, .docx) or rich text format (.rtf) files and format your submission according to their format guide.
  • Include the following email subject line: SPECULATIVE CITY SUBMISSION – [title of your submission]. Also include a short author biography in your submission email.

Other Submission Guidelines

  • Speculative City publishes provocative works that are centered within a cityscape.
  • They are looking for fiction, poetry, and essays within the theme of the magazine’s upcoming issue–megacity (visit website).
  • All submissions should be the original and unpublished work of the submitter.
  • They will accept simultaneous submissions, but please inform them if the submission has been accepted by another publication.
  • They do not accept multiple submissions for fiction or essays.
  • They accept a maximum of five poems for poetry submissions. Please submit poems in one document.
  • Writers published are paid from $20 to $55 according to the category and length of their submission. We do not include submissions with lengths exceeding 5500 words.
  • They do not accept AI generated content.
  • Your theme should include “megacity.”(A densely settled space with millions of inhabitants)
  • Please send all inquiries to info @ speculativecity .com.
  • They try to respond to all submissions, but note that they are a small team and may not always be able to.


$20 – $55 for published works.


Submissions are open until August 16, 2023.

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