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…also open to African writers living in Africa.
Farafina Books and The Life House are calling for short story submissions from African writers living in Africa. The selected stories will be published in a forthcoming e-book this year. 
New African Writing is hosted by the ABC Literary Cafe at The Life House, and Kachifo Limited, publishers of Farafina Books. This event will give emerging African writers an opportunity to showcase their works. They will also benefit from the exposure, the critique and the feedback they’ll get from established writers.
Interested (emerging) writers are advised to submit a short story of no more than 5,000 words. Thirty pieces will be selected from the submissions, and the writers will be invited to read five minutes of their work during the event. Our panel of distinguished writers will be on hand to critique their work on both days of the event. The thirty selected pieces will be subject to further editing and review by both the panel and Kachifo Limited, and the top fifteen will be included in an e-book of short stories to be released later in 2012. The stories not selected for publication in the short story collection will be published on the Farafina blog. The closing date for submission is February 5, 2012.
Submissions should be sent by email to shortstories@kachifo.com. All submissions should include the name, phone number and email address of writers. Selected writers should be available to read their work at the events, or have a representative available to read on their behalf. However, provisions have been made for writers who may be selected but unavailable to read their work.
For more information, go to the farafina blog or click HERE. 

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