Pulp Literature Submissions for Fiction is Open/ How to Submit (Payment: $0.05-$0.08 per word)
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Pulp Literature Submissions for Fiction is Open/ How to Submit (Payment: $0.05-$0.08 per word)

Pulp Literature Submissions are open for short fiction writers, poets and artists of all genres.

Pulp Literature Press was the brainchild of a trio of writer-editors who took the advice “write what you want to read” one step further, to “publish what you want to read”. They love genre.  Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery, History, Thriller or Chiller: they read it all, as long as it’s well written. They equally love literary fiction. Beautiful prose, soul-searching themes, and powerful and complex character development are all part of the stories they like. Finally, they believe that genre fiction IS literary, and their goal is to publish writing that breaks out of  the bookshelf boundaries, defies genre, surprises, and delights.

For Pulp Litearture submissions, they look out for any genre or between-genre work of literature, or visual art (black and white for interiors, colour for covers) up to 50 pages in length. Short stories, novellas, poetry, comics, illustrations. They do not publish non-fiction, memoir, or young adult and children’s stories. Aside from that, they want anything entertaining and well written.

Established authors are welcome to submit, however they want you to submit the pieces you’ve hidden under your bed, your midnight experiments that didn’t fit into your genre, and the little things that have no other home. If you’re a new writer,  they ask you to send in your most thrilling, funny, or heart-rending work!


Eligiblity Guidelines for Short Fiction Submissions

Pulp Literature Press:

  • Are looking for entertaining, accessible stories.
  • Want a balance of serious and lighthearted stories.
  • Aren’t satisfied with a joke.
  • Take all genres, not just pulp.
  • Love stories and art by and about underrepresented groups
  • Take more short fiction than novellas, Stories under 5000 words have the best chance of publication.
  • Want both plot and character.
  • Have high standards, therefore your story ideas need to be creative.

To read more about their Short Fiction requirements, visit here.

Submissions Guidelines for Pulp Literature Submissions

Short Fiction

  1. Enter your details on their submissions form.
  2. Attach a Word .doc or .docx at the end of the form. Use any readable font in 11 or 12 point. Do not include images or elaborate formatting, and make sure your file is not write-protected. (If the file says ‘read-only’ at the top it won’t upload).
  3. If your story is longer than 10,000 words, submit only the first 10,000 words. They will ask for the rest if they are interested. (Bear in mind that works under 5000 words have a much higher acceptance rate).
  4. Submit only one story per author, per three-month period.
  5. Feel free to self-identify as as indigenous, LGBTQIA+, disabled, persons of colour, or members of other traditionally under-represented groups if you choose.
  6. If you would like a sample issue for $3.99 you will find a link after you submit the form.
  7. It takes them roughly six months to read submissions. If you haven’t heard from them in that time it’s likely they are unable to place your story. Please do not email to inquire after your story unless they have already indicated we are interested in it.
  8. They accept simultaneous submissions. Previously printed pieces may be considered.


  1. Send a maximum of three poems, totalling no more than five pages, to the Poetry Editors: pulpliteraturepoetry@gmail.com.
  2. Do not submit poetry more than twice in a calendar year, or submit again before receiving a response to a current submission.

Graphic novels and illustrations

  1. Submit a query describing your work to info@pulpliterature.com.
  2.  Include URLs to any online work you would like them to see.  If they are interested they will request files.



Pulp Literture Press pay:

  • $0.05 – $0.08 per word for short stories (to 5000 words),  $0.03 – $0.06 per word between 5000 and 10000 words,  and $0.02 – $0.04 per word for works over 10000 words.
  • Poetry and interior illustrations pay between $25 – $50.  Sequential art (graphic novels and cartoons) and illustrations are at a rate of $25 to $75 per page.


Pulp Literature short fiction submissions will be open until the 31st of Jnauary 2023. While Poetry and Visual Arts submissions will be open all year round.

To understand more about their process, visit their website.

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