On The Premises Short Story Contest
1 min read

On The Premises Short Story Contest

To win this contest, write a creative, compelling, well-crafted story between 1,000 and 5,000 words long in which the concept of “darkness” plays an important role. You may interpret “darkness” any way you want–literally, metaphorically, or any other way. Darkness doesn’t have to have a value judgment attached to it, and it doesn’t have to be symbolic in any way, although it can.

Please note that, creativity is highly valued. A story about “the forces of light” fighting “the forces of darkness” will struggle to rate highly on the creativity meter (unless you come up with something exceptionally clever). Try something else.

GENRE RULES: No children’s fiction, no exploitative sex, no over-the-top grossout horror, and no stories that are obvious parodies of existing fictional worlds/characters created by other authors.

Deadline: 11:59 PM Eastern US time, Friday, September 2, 2016.

One entry per author. There is no fee for entering

Take all identifying information out of your story! Tell us who you are in the space provided for the cover letter, NOT in your story! No headers, no bylines… just the story.

For more information, visit: http://onthepremises.com/contest-rules/

What if you win?

Winners will get:

First Place $220
Second Place $160
Third Place $120
Honorable Mention $60
A contract will be sent to  you (electronic unless you insist on hardcopy), and you’ll have to sign it and send it back to On The Premise.

Finally, within two weeks of receiving your contract (and usually sooner). Your check will be sent to you, or you will be paid by other agreed-upon means.

For more information, visit http://onthepremises.com/contest-rules/

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