Mudroom Magazine Submissions/ How to Submit (Payment: $15 Per Piece)
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Mudroom Magazine Submissions/ How to Submit (Payment: $15 Per Piece)

Mudroom Magazine is currently accepting prose, poetry and essay submissions from writers worldwide. 

MudRoom publishes four issues a year because its mission is to provide every writer, emerging and established, the opportunity to both see their work published, and engage with a larger literary community. Craft is not just a point of focus for people getting degrees. Their goal is to make the practice of writing accessible to everyone.

Guideline for Mudroom Magazine Submissions

  • Standard Submissions are free! We try to respond to all free submissions within each submission period. Feel free to query after three months.

  • Simultaneous submissions are encouraged. If your work is accepted elsewhere, they do ask that you let them know immediately through email.
  • They will not consider work with sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, or ableist content.
  • Your name should appear on your cover letter but not in the submission. Learn about the best ways to properly write a cover letter for your submission.
  • Please only submit once per submission period.
Poetry Submissions
  • MudRoom publishes poetry of all types. You can email poetry submissions to
  • To submit, please send 3-5 original, previously unpublished poems in a single .DOC/.DOCX .ODT or PDF file with one poem per page (eight pages maximum).
  • Indicate POETRY SUBMISSION in your subject line. Submissions without “Poetry Submission” in the subject line will be deleted. You may also include a brief cover letter/third-person bio in the body of your email.
Prose Submissions
  • Mudroom publishes fiction, essays, and essays in translation. You can email prose submissions to
  • To submit, please send a previously unpublished work no longer than 6,000 words in double spaced 12-point Times New Roman font. All works should be attached in a single .DOC/.DOCX .ODT or PDF file
  • Please indicate PROSE SUBMISSION in your subject line. Submissions without “Prose Submission” in the subject line will be deleted. You may also include a brief cover letter/third-person bio in the body of your email.

Writing eloquently ensures your submission is understood and relatable, take a moment to read this article to learn how to.  


All issue contributors are paid 15 dollars and are paid through Paypal. Please alert them in your submission if you require another method of payment.


Their reading period is open through January 25, 2024.

Mudroom Magazine Submissions Twitter


For more information on the Mudroom Magazine Submissions, visit their Social Media Page. Goodluck.

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