Dreamforge Anvil Magazine Is Accepting Short Fiction/ How To Submit (Pay: $00.8/word)
Dreamforge Anvil is a speculative fiction magazine is open for submissions now. They will like to see science fiction and fantasy stories with a positive vibe, where the human adventure is just beginning.
What Are They Looking For?
They like to see science fiction and fantasy stories with a positive vibe, where the human adventure is just beginning. Solar Punk and Hope Punk themed stories are welcome.
They are open to all genres of science fiction and fantasy, as long as they are not focused on horror and/or dark outcomes. This year, they are also looking for stories to meet their 2024 double issue theme of “The Grand Uplift.”
What is “The Grand Uplift?”
DreamForge stories engage readers with strong, empathetic characters and welcoming communities committed to positive outcomes. With their 2024 Mega Issue taking on the theme of “The Grand Uplift,” they hope to encourage stories with:
- A dramatic turning point or event that sparks a wave of positive change and growth.
- A powerful movement or process that brings about positive change on a large scale, such as social, economic, or cultural advancements.
- A collective endeavor or initiative that seeks to elevate humanity’s knowledge, understanding, or wisdom.
- A period of rapid progress, innovation, and development in various fields, such as science, technology, art, or philosophy.
- A sense of unity and shared purpose among people working together towards a common goal of betterment and upliftment.
- Stories for “The Grand Uplift” will suggest an inspiring and momentous shift that benefits humanity, fostering a sense of hope, progress, and optimism.Â
Story Length
Shorter is better. They prefer stories that are between 3,500 and 5,000 words. Overall, they will consider the following word counts:
- Flash Fiction: 500 – 1500 words.
- Short Stories: 1,500 – 7,000 words.
You might want to check out this article on holding attention in a short story.
Submission Formatting For Dreamforge Anvil
- Your story must be submitted in Word or RTF format.
- Name, Address, Email, and Word Count at the top left of the first page.
Title of Story (centered)
Your Byline (centered) - Page Layout:
Font: Arial, Size 12
Double spaced
Indented paragraphs
Single space after periods.
No extra line break between paragraphs
Section breaks, as needed, should be three ### symbols, centered on the page.
In the document Header, include Title/Last Name/Page # - File Naming:
When you SAVE your file, name it in the following way: StoryTitle-V01.doc as in “Pangenesis-V01.doc.” - In case they ask for edits or a rewrite, the second version would be V02, etc. (You may include your name in the file name if you wish)
- During the submission process, you will have the opportunity to write a cover letter, enter the word count, select genre and story type, etc. (That can be a bit of double work, but there’s the story and then there’s the submission log, and if they get separated this helps them know what went where and what belongs to whom, etc.)
- Please note that as a team, they don’t always agree on which stories to select but, they just do their best, and they appreciate that you do too. Have fun. Be kind. And know that you are appreciated.
- To submit your work or to see examples of stories that either fit the theme of The Great Uplift or show the way, click here.
How Much Does Dreamforge Anvil pay Contributors?
They are now paying $0.08 per word for original fiction up to 7,000 words. Payment will be made on acceptance.
Deadline For Submissions
Submissions will no longer be accepted after 14th October, 2023.