Chatelaine Magazine Is Accepting Pitches/ How To Submit (Pay: $1/ word)
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Chatelaine Magazine Is Accepting Pitches/ How To Submit (Pay: $1/ word)

Chatelaine Magazine is Canada’s premier women’s magazine with over 80 years of legacy. It continues to be the go-to source for diverse content covering health, current events, social issues, decor, fashion, beauty, etc. 

For writers seeking an opportunity to contribute to Chatelaine, this guide serves as a valuable resource, providing essential information. This will help enhance their pitching experience and potentially become part of Canada’s leading women’s magazine.

This article provides valuable insights for writers aspiring to contribute to Chatelaine, offering a comprehensive guide on pitching, submission guidelines, eligibility criteria, author rights, and payment.


General Submission Guidelines For Chatelaine Magazine

  • To align with Chatelaine’s distinctive style and tone, prospective writers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the magazine’s content by exploring back issues. 
  • Pitches tailored specifically to Chatelaine are preferred, and simultaneous submissions to other magazines are discouraged. 
  • Due to the lead time of four to six months, timely and relevant pitches submitted well in advance of publication are appreciated.
  • Chatelaine welcomes pitches through a one-page query letter, specifying whether the pitch is intended for the magazine or the website. 
  • Submit to
  • The letter should concisely outline the idea, its suitability for the magazine, the targeted section, and the proposed format. 
  • The magazine does not accept unsolicited manuscripts or completed articles, streamlining the process for efficient consideration of pitches.


Fact Checking

As part of their commitment to accuracy, all articles undergo rigorous fact-checking. Writers are expected to submit comprehensive fact-checking packages. These packages include sources for statistics and studies, along with contact information for interview subjects.

Chatelaine appreciates writers’ interest and looks forward to receiving pitches. While the magazine strives to respond promptly, the high volume of submissions may result in a response time of six to eight weeks.


Author Rights

Upon acceptance of a commissioned article, Chatelaine ensures clear communication with the writer through an editor who provides a contract detailing the article’s direction, deadline, fee, and the rights being acquired.

Writers are encouraged to incorporate Canadian statistics and experts in their stories, considering the nation’s cultural diversity when approaching sources.


Do They Pay Contributors?

According to payment reports, they pay $1 per word. 

If you are interested in pitching Chatelaine, you can consider another Creative Writing opportunity.

Good luck.

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