1 min read
Wisdom For Writers
Great! There’s an anthology of essays addressing this age-long question, Why We Write. And the essays are by 20 successful writers discussing why and how they go about their work; edited by Meredith Maran.
Huffington Post published an excerpt by Jodi Picoult.
“Jodi Picoult’s Wisdom for Writers:
- Take a writing course. It’s how you’ll learn to get and give feedback, and it’ll teach you to write on demand.
- There’s no magic bullet that’ll make you a success. If you write because you want to be rich, you’re in the wrong business. Write because you can’t not write, or don’t write at all.
- Write even when you don’t feel like writing. There is no muse. It’s hard work. You can always edit a bad page, but you can’t edit a blank page.
- Read. It’ll inspire you to write as well as the authors who came before you.”
– HuffPost Social Reading
You can read the rest of the excerpt on Huffington Post. Just Click to FOLLOW the link.
Resource material from Huffington Post.