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U-Rights Magazine / How To Submit
U-Rights Magazine, an online magazine is calling for submission of original poetry, fiction and essays. Based in Cross Rivers State, the team publishes work from anywhere in the world three times a year.
Who is eligible to submit to U-Rights magazine?
- Anyone from anywhere in the world
- There is no age limit
- No submission fee
Submission Guideline for U-Rights Magazine
- Submission should be made via email in this order, first name: Genre. Example, Philip: Fiction.
- Submission should be sent as email attachment in docx./doc. format only.
- Previously published work is not acceptable. Works appearing on social Media will be accepted only if it will be removed prior to publication.
- Brief writer’s bio (maximum of 150 words) should be included along with your name as you would like it to appear.
- This should appear on the last page of your submission document.
For Poetry;
- Poets can submit up to 1 – 5 unpublished poems in a single word document.
- Poems of any length or style is acceptable.
- Poems translated to English are acceptable.
- It is advised to read at least two of their most recent issues to have a sense of the kind of work they want.
- Poems with special formatting like indented lines may not work well in the online version of the issue.
- If your poem is published in the U-Rights magazine, it is automatically placed on consideration for inclusion in our print anthology, Noise. You will be contacted of your work is accepted.
- Upon acceptance, you will be asked to submit an audio recording of your poem though this is optional.
- Audios will be made available for download on our website.
- Only one essay per submission.
- Essay should have a maximum count of 3500 words.
- All essays should be submitted as word document attached to the email.
- Plagiarized works will not be accepted.
- Stories should not exceed 5000 words.
- Up to 2 stories can be submitted.
- The stories should be submitted separately.
- All submissions to U-Rights magazine should be sent to urightsmag@gmail.com
Editors for The U-Rights Magazine
Submission will be read by four readers for the issue. Any selection by them is final.
Deadline for the U-Rights magazine submission
November 25, 2020.
Payment for acceptance by U-Rights magazine
Currently, we are unable to pay contributors but change of that policy is being considered. Though published works are given utmost exposure.
For further inquiries about submission to U-Rights magazine, contact;
You can subscribe to their newsletter or follow them on Facebook or Instagram to stay updated with their activities.