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The Creators of Justice Literary Award/ How to Apply (Prize: $300)
The Creators of Justice Literary Award comprises of works that emphasize on the struggle for human rights and social justice the world over. These may be imagined in any manner in which the writer sees fit, however, it must be based in our signature values.
The creators of Justice literary award does not publish work which is based in anger, or stems from an “us v. them” mentality.
The Award is an annual, international contest that opens from June 1-September 30, and winners are announced by November 15.
The theme of this year’s contest is: Celebrating the values that bring us together. Beauty as a fundamental creative value; Sincerity and Vulnerability of presentation; Celebrating Diversity and opening doorways of Engagement
Eligibility for the Creators of Justice literary Award.
- There is no entree fee.
- There will be a separate youth category for writers 18 and under. This means you must be 18 and above to enter this contest.
Submission Guidelines
- Writers may submit one poem, one essay (up to 2500 words) and/or one short story (up to 2500 words).
- Please include your name as you would like it to appear, country of residence and brief biography.
- Submit all work to hello@ihraf.org with the subject line: “Creators of Justice Literary Award” and the submission type (i.e. “Poetry,” “Short Story” or “Essay.”
- They feel strongly that all human conflict is representative of human spiritual immaturity — and no group of people, ethnicity or religion are immune from this energy.
- There are three monetary prizes in each category: Poetry, Short Story and Essay. Each writer may make one submission in each category (total of 3 submission per writer). The prizes to be given are as follows.
- The First Prize to be given is: $150
- Second Position would be given: $100
- Third Prize: $50
- Even more exciting is that there would be Honorable Mentions: Here, up to five writers in each category will have their work published.