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Luminary Literary Agency: Annual Short Story Workshop
To kick off its activities, Lumina Literary Agency hereby calls for short stories of not more than 2,500 words from African Writers living anywhere in the world. Sixty of these short stories will be selected and their authors will be invited for a workshop in Lagos in July 2012. At least one Nobel Laureate will be one of the facilitators of this workshop.
The Literary Agency arm of The Lumina Foundation hereby calls for short stories of not more than 2,500 words from African Writers living anywhere in the world.
Sixty of these short stories will be selected and their authors will be contacted in April 2012. At least one Nobel Laureate will facilitate this workshop.
Deadline for submission is January 31, 2012. After the workshop,further selections would be from the work done at the workshop and these will be published in three collections. Royalty will be paid to the authors in the published collections accordingly. Reading sessions and short tours will also be organized to give the authors and their work ample publicity in addition to providing publishing outlets for their work.
Entry Rules:
Please sumbit only one short story along with a brief (Not more than 20 words) biodata and a recent photo (Portrait).
Email, send as attachment in PDF format to either of the coordinators
Or send by post to Lumina Literary Agency, Blue House, 19 Unilag Road, Yaba, Lagos.
For submissions and for further inquiries, contact the coordinators:
ogochukwupromise@yahoo.com and unomaazuah@gmail.com
For more information, CLICK HERE or go to http://www.luminafoundationsoyinkaprize.com/