Derricotte & Eady Poetry Chapbook Prize/ How to Apply ( Prize: $1000 + More)
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Derricotte & Eady Poetry Chapbook Prize/ How to Apply ( Prize: $1000 + More)

Toi Derricotte & Cornelius Eady Poetry Chapbook Prize

Since 2015, Cave Canem has collaborated with O, Miami to spotlight exceptional chapbook-length manuscripts by Black poets. This is done through the Derricotte & Eady Poetry Chapbook Prize.  Previous judges were: Robin Coste Lewis; Dawn Lundy Martin; Ross Gay; Major Jackson; Danez Smith; Mahogany L. Browne; and Lillian-Yvonne Bertram.


Eligibility for Derricotte & Eady Poetry Chapbook Prize

  •  Poetry entries are acceptable from all unpublished, original collections of poems. This must be written in English by Black writers of African descent who have not had a full-length book of poetry. This is relating to  a professional press.
  • Also, authors of chapbooks and self-published books with a maximum print run of 500 may apply.
  • However, simultaneous submission to other book awards should be noted. Immediate notice upon winning such an award is required.
  • Also, the winner must agree to be present an the continental United States. This would be at their own expense shortly after the book is published in order to participate in promotional reading(s).
  • Current or former students, colleagues, employees, family members and close friends of the judge, as well as current or former employees and members of the board of Cave Canem Foundation or University of Pittsburgh Press are not allowed to apply. More so, authors who have published a book or have a book under contract with University of Georgia Press are ineligible.
  • If any of the selected authors fall under the above exclusions, they will be disqualified and a replacement chosen from among the finalists. These are not allowed because the poetry community is small and the contest is judged without knowledge of the submitter’s identity.


Submission Guidelines

  • Submit manuscripts online. Therefore, this means that hard copy submissions will not be considered.
  • One manuscript per poet.
  • Upload manuscript as a .doc or .pdf document. Include a title page with the title only and table of contents. Author’s name should not appear on any pages within the uploaded document.
  • Include a cover letter in the Submittable text box—DO NOT include within the .doc or .pdf document of the manuscript. Cover letter should include author’s brief bio (200 words, maximum) and list of acknowledgments of previously published poems.
  • Manuscript must be paginated, with a font size of 11 or 12, and 60-75 pages in length, inclusive of title page and table of contents. A poem may be multiple pages, but no more than one poem per page is permitted.
  • Manuscripts not adhering to submission guidelines will not be considered.
  • Post-submission revisions or corrections are not permitted.




Winner receives $1,000, publication by University of Pittsburgh Press in fall 2024, 15 copies of the book, and a feature reading.

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