1 min read
Chestnut Review/ How to Submit (Payment: $100 per piece)
A magazine “for stubborn artists”, Chestnut Review is currently accepting submissions of poetry, very short fiction, and art/ photography for its Autumn/ October issue. The magazine responds to submissions within 30 days and pays $100 per accepted piece. The deadline for submissions is June 30, 2020.
Who is Eligible:
- Writers/ artists from anywhere in the world.
- There is no submission fee.
How to Submit:
- For poetry, submit a pack of three poems. Each poem should be one page or less.
- For flash fiction, submit a single piece of not more than 1000 words, or four pieces that do not exceed 1000 words in total.
- For visual arts, submit up to twenty publishable images.
- Simultaneous submissions are considered.
- All submitted work must not have previously been published, either online or in print.
- Submit here.
- The deadline for submissions is June 30, 2020.
- $100 per piece.
- Contributors also get a copy of the journal’s annual anthology.
Good luck.