1 min read
13th Caine Prize Shortlist Announced
The shortlist for the 2012 Edition of the Caine Prize (for African Writing) has been announced by new Vice President Ben Okri
The shortlist is made up of five African writers; and was selected from 122 entries from 14 African countries. This is the thirteenth edition of one of the most prestigious literary awards in Africa. And this shortlist reflects the Caine Prize’s pan-African reach. According to the press release, the winner of the £10,000 prize is to be announced at a celebratory dinner at the Bodleian Library, Oxford, on Monday, 2nd July 2012.
The 2012 shortlist comprises:
- Rotimi Babatunde (Nigeria) ‘Bombay’s Republic’ from ‘Mirabilia Review’ Vol. 3.9 (Lagos, 2011) http://mirabilia.webs.com/
- Billy Kahora (Kenya) ‘Urban Zoning’ from ‘McSweeney’s’ Vol. 37 (San Francisco, 2011) www.mcsweeneys.net
- Stanley Kenani (Malawi) ‘Love on Trial’ from ‘For Honour and Other Stories’ published by eKhaya/Random House Struik (Cape Town, 2011) www.randomstruik.co.za
- Melissa Tandiwe Myambo (Zimbabwe) ‘La Salle de Départ’ from ‘Prick of the Spindle’ Vol. 4.2 (New Orleans, June, 2010) www.prickofthespindle.com
- Constance Myburgh (South Africa) ‘Hunter Emmanuel’ from ‘Jungle Jim’ Issue 6, (Cape Town, 2011) www.junglejim.org
The Chair of judges, author and Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature Bernardine Evaristo, has described the shortlist as “truly diverse fiction from a truly diverse continent.”
For more information, visit the Caine Prize website; or Click HERE.