Vox news is interested in publishing personal, first hand experiences that can narrate and help shed more light on important issues such as racism, stigmatization, racism, feminism, mental disorders and more. This is because they believe if anyone can tell these stories properly, it will be someone who has had a personal experience. It is high time we hear about these issues from people who actually have experienced it rather than from people who try to speculate what these experiences are like.

If you have  situations or experiences that fit the above, Vox wants you to write for them. Send Vox  a pitch at [email protected].


Vox is looking for a wide range of perspectives from writers of every age, gender, race, sexual orientation, and political leaning. They will also accept pitches from previously unpublished writers — or, for that matter, from non-writers who may have an important story to tell but need help turning it into a piece; they are willing to provide that help.


You can learn more about this call for submissions here.

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