Triangulation Anthology Calls for Submissions/ How to Submit (Prize: $10 + Publication)
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Triangulation Anthology Calls for Submissions/ How to Submit (Prize: $10 + Publication)

Triangulation Anthology: Seven-Day Weekend – Call for Submissions

The annual Triangulation anthology will accept submissions for its 20th collection (2023) in the series, Triangulation: Seven-Day Weekend.

The Theme is – Triangulation: Habitats. Sustainable habitats, in tune with their surroundings. “Show us places we want to live that never existed or that we don’t know ever existed. Past, present, and future domiciles for humans, aliens, and fantasy creatures.” No minimum word requirement for prose or poetry. 

Automation simplifies our lives, to the point where a production facility is so automated it makes no sense wasting energy to run lights. These “dark factories” are currently present in the auto industry, the electronics industry, and even the robotics industry itself. What does the world look like when jobs are automated to the point that the labor force is non-existent? Triangulation is looking for outstanding fantasy, science fiction, weird fiction, and speculative horror—from both new and established writers.


Eligibility for Triangulation Anthology: Seven-Day Weekend

  • All writers, including those who are known or related to the editorial staff, can submit to Triangulation.
  • There is no entry fee. Entry is free
  • International writers are welcome to apply.
  • Deadline for submission is February 28th, 2023.

Triangulation Anthology : 20th Collection

Submission Guidelines

  • The organizers love creative interpretations of the themes, but they require the stories to be a solid fit.
  • They only accept mature content if they like the story and find the mature content to be integral to it.
  • Please, no hate-ist stories (or any other -ist), stories with suicide, religious proselytizing or excessive, unwarranted violence.
  • Fan fiction is not acceptable
  • Please send a short bio in the cover letter of your submission.
  • Make your submissions via the submittable link. 
  • Poetry Guidelines: No minimum or maximum number of lines, but poems of more than 100 lines will have to be extraordinary to find a place in the anthology. Same Submittable link as prose submissions.
  • Manuscript Format: Please use industry-standard manuscript format. They want a manuscript that is easy for them to read. They reserve the right to reject a story that does not adhere to the formatting guidelines.
  • Manuscripts in the following formats are acceptable: doc or .docx (MS Word) .rtf (Rich Text Format — generic document format that most word processors can create).

How they Choose

  • The organizers of triangulation aim to read submissions as they are received. If a story doesn’t align with what they want, they reject it. If they think the story has great potential but isn’t quite there yet, they would request a rewrite. The ones they love the most, they hold on to for further consideration. Next, the stories fight it out amongst themselves until the final lineup. At which time, final acceptances are sent out. When a story is accepted, the changes suggested will typically be minor and/or cosmetic.
  • Response: Final decisions are made by April 30.


  • Prose Compensation: They pay 3¢ per word. Payment will be either via PayPal or check. $5 minimum payout.
  • Poetry Compensation: They pay 25 cents per line. Payment will be either via PayPal or check. $5 minimum payout.
  • Rights: They purchase first North American serial rights, Spanish language rights, audio and electronic rights for the downloadable version(s). All subsidiary rights are released upon publication.


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