Book Chat
Literary Event/ A Bookversation With Tunde Leye—Register For Free
Literary events excite me. I like the idea of hanging out with writers and chatting about books. If you are like me, you’ll probably want to attend the upcoming book chat organized by Ignite Africa. This event is called bookversation. What is Bookversation? Bookversations is an honest, no holds barred literary discussion similar to An […]
Welcome to the Book Tour of Satans and Shaitans
At long last, the tour has begun. And I am excited to share readings and excerpts from the conspiracy crime thriller, Satans & Shaitans and and a short interview with you. Welcome to a book tour by AMAB Author, Obinna Udenwe. During this online book tour, the author will stop by seven literary websites, from […]
Book Tour Announcement: Satans and Shaitans by Obinna Udenwe
You are invited to the online book tour and book reading of Obinna Udenwe’s award winning novel, Satans and Shaitans. Six literary blogs will host him on five different days. The tour promises to be rewarding. There will be varied readings across all stops and free giveaways. You might win a book. Invite a friend. […]