Stripes Literary Magazine/ Call for Submission
Stripes Literary Magazine is focused on publishing the different, raw and divergent.
Stripes literary magazine is thrilled to have been involved in the first time publication for beginner writers. They are open for submission for our issue 2, Volume 3.
STRIPES LITERARY MAGAZINE is open for submission. They are accepting original poetry, prose (fiction and creative non-fiction), art and photography for our Issue 2: Volume 3. This issue is UNTHEMED.
Unthemed because there is so much in our heads un-categorised. A jumble and mumble. You feel it, you are a mess.
Beneath our feelings, we find a consistent yawn, a darkness defying light. It is this nothing we want to turn to like “in the beginning” when the earth was without form or void.
For this issue, they are looking out for submissions (stories, poems, essays, art & photographs) that set to unfurl the nothing to create new. They have set no parameters, no boundaries, no bars or expectations.
They are often intrigued to stumble upon stories that x-ray the human nature in a fresh perspective but they do not presume. They also love to be disappointed and bewildered too.

Submission Guidelines
- Submit only original/unpublished content written by you.
- Submit a maximum of 3 entries per genre in one attachment. (poetry, art, fiction, nonfiction, photo).
- Short stories, Creative Nonfiction and essays should be between 500 and 1000 words.
- Art/photographs should be submitted alongside titles and (or) inspiration behind creation.
- *Non-English works must be submitted alongside their translations.
- All submissions should be made to with subject line: GENRE: NAME
- Do not forget to add a brief cover letter, author biography as well as your social media handles.
- The Submission Deadline is July 20,2022 till AUGUST 31, 2022
- All contributors will receive a pdf copy of the issue they appear in.
Stripes Literary Magazine publishes poetry, prose (fiction and non-fiction), art & photography. STRIPES LITERARY MAGAZINE: RAW, DIFFERENT, DIVERGENT.