Moss Puppy Magazine Submissions are Now Open for Issue 4  (Payment: Digital Publication)
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Moss Puppy Magazine Submissions are Now Open for Issue 4 (Payment: Digital Publication)

Moss Puppy Magazine calls for submissions for Prose, Poetry and Visual Art for Issue 4 with the theme Caged.


Moss Puppy Magazine is a biannual-themed literary magazine founded in July 2021 which solely features poetry, prose, and artwork. They accept submissions twice a year, and each issue generally has a theme.

In the words of the founder of Moss Puppy Magazine, “They look for authenticity and that one unique thing that makes the work stand out from all the rest. They look for work that stays with them long after they have read it, which means they know it had an effect on them in some way.”

Additionally, they tend to lean towards pieces that get them talking to each other – pieces that rustle their emotions. They announce that their readers can expect pieces that flirt with darkness, have comedic undertones on occasion, dabble in sadness while appreciating the sunshine, and aren’t afraid to get lost in the woods.

Hence, this means that written submissions should be eloquently written to fit the theme and appropriately edited.


Eligibility Guidelines for Moss Puppy Magazine

  • Entries are accepted from all writers.
  • Submitters must be 18 years old.
  • Previously published works are not accepted.
  • Do not submit work that encourages or promotes hate of any kind, including but not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.


Submissions Guidelines for Moss Puppy Magazine

The theme for Issue 4 is Caged. All entries must represent the theme in the way submitters interpret it.

Moss Puppy Magazine Call for Submission

  • Submissions should be made on their Google Form link.
  • Simultaneous submissions are also welcomed.
  • Entries for prose should be one submission piece of 3,000 words or three flash pieces of up to 1,000 words each. Ensure the formatting is Times New Roman, font size 12, double-spaced, and indented.
  • For Poetry submissions, submit up to three poems at a time for consideration in a single document (one per page). Poetry formatting is more flexible; however, Times New Roman, font size 12 is preferred.
  • Visual artists can submit up to five pieces of visual artwork for consideration in a single document (one per page).
  • Response time is approximately two weeks; if you do not receive a response after that, please feel free to send a follow-up email to



Print-on-Demand publication on Amazon.


April 1st, 2023.


To read more about their past submissions, visit their website. Good luck

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