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Change Your World Essay Contest 2012 (Nigeria)

 How Do You Intend to Change Your World?
Essays are invited for the 2012 Edition of the Change Your World Essay Contest. The contest is organized in commemoration of the International World Youths’ Day which actually is 12 August 2012.
Youths from around Africa are invited to enter the 2012 International Essay Contest. This essay contest is organized by Ugreen Foundation.
The theme of the 2012 essay contest should focus on the following global issue: The global economic meltdown has brought down the economy of most countries, recently that of Greece. In Africa, most countries have continued to experience inflation, leading to massive unemployment and increase in hunger. In Nigeria, thousands of young people graduates from higher institutions of learning annually to face minimal employment opportunities. As a young leader, how do you think that entrepreneurship can serve as a handy tool for poverty alleviation in your society?’
A lot of people have ideas they believe can change the world. Share your story of how you intend to create the future you want..


  • Essays may be submitted by anyone of African origin (resident in Nigeria)  between 16 – 36 years old
  • Essays must be 1500 words long or less; and must be written in English.
  •  Essays must include
    (1) essay title
    (2) your name
    (3) address
    (4) phone number
    (5) e-mail
    (6) nationality
    (7) age
    (8) gender
    (9) word count (10)
    A brief bio, not more than 50 words
  • Essays must be original and unpublished
  • Essays must be written by one person. Co-authored essays will not be accepted
  • Copyright of the essays entered will be assigned to the organizers
Entries missing any of the above information may be disqualified.
Deadline for Submissions: 11pm, August, 10 2012.
Essays to be emailed to info@ugreenfoundation.org.
The following awards will be given to winners:
1.      Overall best essayist to receive scholarship to attend Desplay Africa 2013 (a one-year democracy and leadership training run by Youngstars Foundation, a leading youth organization in Africa).
2.      Winners to be invited to the Change Your World Youth Ministerial Meeting in August 2012.
3.      Three best essays to be published in Ugreen Foundation’s website, and in over 5 international websites and blogs.
4.      Ten best essays alongside ten best essays for 2011 to appear in an essay booklet, to be distributed free to young people.
Essay Contest will be judged by:
1. Sir. Bola Abimbola, Administrative Officer/Project Director of Youngstars Foundation, Nigeria
2. Kristina Liutikaite, Academic Scholar, Republic of Lithuania

Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam

Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam writes prose fiction and creative non-fiction. She is the founder of creativewritingnews.com. Her first novella, Finding Love Again was published by Ankara Press. Her second novella, The Heiress' Bodyguard was shortlisted for the Saraba Manuscript Awards. She currently works as content marketer for various online businesses. You can follow her at @cwritingnws.

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