2 mins read
Agnes and True is Currently Accepting Submissions (Award: Payment + Publication)
Agnes and True Online Literary Journal accepts submissions of short fiction year-round.
Agnes and True is a Canadian online literary journal. As such, they are dedicated to providing a place for the work of Canadian writers, both established and emerging.
While the journal accepts submissions from outside Canada, they do place an emphasis on works of fiction that exhibit a Canadian sensibility.
Agnes and True is a journal that celebrates the achievement of women. In addition, they are greatly interested in discovering and publishing the work of emerging older writers.
Eligibility for Agnes and True
- Entries should only be in English
- Entries outside Canada is acceptable but must exhibit a Canadian sensibility
Submission Guidelines
- Entries should be work of fiction that have not been previously published in any form
- The submission should be between 500-3,500
- They seek fiction that exhibits insight on the part of the writer
- Agnes and True does not publish pornography or work that includes explicit descriptions of sexual activity or gratuitous violence.
- They also do not publish work that is racist or sexist or ageist or that would incite others to become racist or sexist or ageist.
- Send only one story at a time. Wait for them to inform you of the status of your story before you submit again.
- Include your full name and valid email address on the submission form.
- Send your submission as a Word or PDF document.
- Submit your work in a readable font, such as Arial, Helvetica, or Times New Roman.
- Double-space your work.
- Do not Include a list of your publishing credits to date.
- Submit using the Agnes and True Submission Portal
Authors retain all rights to their work(s) and they are free to submit and/or publish the same work(s) elsewhere after they appear in Agnes and True.
Photo credit: Agnes and True Website