Bakwa ‘Family’ Issue/ How to Submit (Payment $25 per piece).
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Bakwa ‘Family’ Issue/ How to Submit (Payment $25 per piece).

“What constitutes a family has changed over time, not just in composition but also in definition.”—from the Bakwa website.

After its very recent issue, a cute glossy paperback with a beautiful cover design and gorgeous interior typesetting, packed with 9 important essays on travel, border politics, and how borders are not just lines, but barriers—for its latest issue, issue 10, Bakwa seeks submissions on ‘Family for its ‘Family’ issue.

Who or what constitutes it? Is there a point where a friend becomes your sister or brother? Can brothers and sisters become strangers? What are the intriguing things about family? How does it (family) make and unmake us? These questions and more should be considered when creating fiction, nonfiction, or poetry pieces for the Bakwa ‘Family issue.

The deadline for submissions for the Bakwa ‘Family’ Issue is April 1, 2020.

Who is Eligible:

  • Bakwa seeks submissions from anyone and everyone who has an important story on ‘Family’.
  • They accept submissions in English, French, and Pidgin English.
  • There is no submission fee.

How to Submit:

  • Submit an unpublished short fiction that does not exceed 3000 words.
  • Or a piece of creative nonfiction that is between 750 and 7000 words.
  • For poems, send 4-8 poems.
  • Or an insightful music, book, or film review that is between 750 words and 3000 words.
  • Or a pack of high quality photographs which capture the human condition. You could also send in original arts or cartoons which deal with real events.
  • Make sure that your short fiction, creative nonfiction, or poetry submissions relate to the theme of ‘Family’.
  • At the end of the document, include your biography and email address.
  • Send the document as an attachment, together with a headshot of yourself, to


  • A token of $25 for each accepted piece.
  • Publication.

Check out one of the pieces recommended by Bakwa here.

You can also check out Bitter Oleanders call for submissions.

Good luck.

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